Consumer expectations are becoming more and more complex as the world evolves. There has been an increasing migration to digital media such as social media, websites, videos, digital ads and more. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated this migration process exponentially. With this trend, it is more important now than ever for Niagara Region businesses to be optimized on digital platforms.
Given the current situation, many businesses need a resource to unlock the potential business growth that the digital landscape provides. A digital marketing agency that oversees all services from branding to fully customized digital ads on Google & Social Media creates a seamless way for businesses to enter into the digital landscape.
Dynamic North Digital Marketing is a full-scale digital marketing agency founded by Lyle Dekker & Cameron Law, two fourth-year BBA Co-op students at Brock University. It is Dynamic North’s mandate to provide local businesses with the opportunity to take advantage of the digital landscape and all of its expansive benefits.
Through various co-op placements, experiential learning projects, and online courses, Lyle and Cameron have continually developed their expertise in the Marketing field and continue to do so. As Co-op students at Brock University, Lyle and Cameron were provided the opportunity to join the Kick-Starting Entrepreneurship Program to further develop their skills and passion to launch a digital marketing agency. The program provides entrepreneurs with weekly workshops and the chance to network with like-minded individuals. The workshops tackle topics including legal advice, best sales practices, registration of a business, and more helpful knowledge.
“Throughout the KSE program, Lyle and I were able to make valuable connections with multiple industry professionals that encouraged us to take the steps needed and are always looking to help out where they can” - Cameron Law
“The KSE Program was very helpful in our development of Dynamic North. We had questions answered and obtained extra advice that is essential to the success of any business. From specifics like legal advice to general knowledge such as best sales practices, we have been provided with a leg up. Overall, the KSE Program provided a secure environment to develop Dynamic North Digital Marketing” - Lyle Dekker
To learn more about Dynamic North, visit their website here, or follow them on all social media platforms:
This article originally appeared in Business Link Niagara.